목록사진 (4)
From Now On...
BiographyRuud van Empel’s pioneering techniques have completely changed the face of digital photography. Using a vast library of digital body parts, fabrics and foliage, van Empel creates dream-like photographic utopias, where nothing is exactly as it seems. Prompted by a desire for a more minimalist aesthetic, at the turn of the century van Empel began experimenting with Photoshop. Each of his ..
Marc Adamus A Moment Together Desert Prims Lost in the Dreams Peace on Earth Sunrise Show The Moment , Graceful Simple Dreams Light, Color and Form
1. 지은이에 대해서 Kerry Shook, Chris Shook 은 사람들이 예수 그리스도의 사랑을 경험하고 변화되도록 가르치고 양육하는 데 전심전력 을 기울이는 영향력 있는 주목받는 커뮤니케이터이다. 이들은 1993 년, 8명의 교인들과 함께 우즈랜드 펠로우십 교회를 창립했다. 혁신적이며 창조적인 목회를 하고 있는 ..
Rocky Schenck/Baptism,2002 Rocky Schenck/Gazing Ball Rocky Schenck/Prairie,2002 Rocky Schenck/Promenade Pesi Girsh/Untitled,1991 Barbara Mensch/Untitled Barbara Mensch/Untitled Barbara Mensch/Untitled Barbara Mensch/Smoke Barbara Mensch/Corner Barbara Mensch/Building Kenneth Van Sickle/Ada Mirror Kenneth Van Sickle/Mary Glasses Toshiya Motomichi/Rivers