From Now On...

Frank Corso 본문

책상서랍 속 앨범/그림

Frank Corso

오렌지 향기 2010. 10. 22. 16:58





                                                         Calm Reflections, 2010 /oil on canvas/40 X 30 inches 







                                                         Full Bloom, 2010 /oil on canvas /30 X 40 inches 








                                             Late Afternoon Light, 2010 / oil on canvas / 30 X 40 inches 









                                          Long Beach View, 2010 / oil on canvas / 18 X 24 inches










                                              Pathway Through the Trees, 2010 /oil on canvas/24 X 30 inches 









                                                  Scattered Sunset, 2010 / oil on canvas / 30 X 40 inches






                                             Silver Moonrise, 2010  / oil on canvas  /  18 X 24 inches









                                                       Sunlit Pathways, 2010 / oil on canvas / 24 X 30 inches









                                                  The Water's Edge, 2010 / oil on canvas / 11 X 14 inches








                                                         Trout Stream II, 2010 / oil on canvas / 16 X 20 inches







                                               Distant Water, 2009 / oil on canvas / 40 X 50 inches 







                                                     Madaket Muted Sunset, 2009 / oil on canvas /24 X 36 inches 








                                                  Nantucket Pathways, 2009 / oil on canvas / 16 X 20 inches 












                                                        Sunset Through the Haze, 2009 /oil on canvas/40 X 30 inches 








                                                      Twilight on Todd's Point, 2009 /oil on canvas/18 X 24 inches







                                                   Incoming Evening Fog, 2008 /oil on canvas/24 X 36 inches 








                                                    Altar Rock, 2007 /  oil on canvas  /  24 X 30 inches 








                                                    Autumn Reflections, 2007 / oil on canvas / 16 X 20 inches 









                                               Early Morning Mist, 2007 / oil on canvas board /  12 X 16 inches








                                                   Moving Water, 2007  /  oil on canvas  /  16 X 20 inches 








                                                   Near The Bogs, 2007 / oil on canvas  /  12 X 16 inches 








                                             View From Coatue, 2007 /  oil on canvas  /  30 X 40 inches 









                                           Afternoon Calm, 2006 /  oil on canvas  / 11 X 14 inches









                                                 Beach Breezes, 2006 / oil on canvas  /  30 X 40 inches










                                                Hillside View II, 2006 /  oil on canvas  /  16 X 20 inches









                                        Rising Tide, 2006   /   oil on canvas   /   14 X 18 inches









                                    뉴욕주 시라큐스에서 태어난 작가는  아주 어릴때부터 그림에 관심을 보였다.

                                    핑커레이크 지역을 주로 그리던 그는 고등학교때 좋은 선생을 만나서 그림이

                                    더욱 좋아진다.  오스트리아 출신 로버트 호프만을 만남으로써 그의 그림세계

                                    의 폭이 넓어졌다고 할 수 있는데  이들의 관계는 11년이나 지속된다.

                                    그 후 전세계를 여행하고 다니면서 그림을 그리다가  이태리에 머무른다.

                                    1980년 이후 최고 유화작가상, 파스텔화 상등을 수상한다.