From Now On...

Yingzhao Liu / 중국 화가의 극세밀화 본문

책상서랍 속 앨범/그림

Yingzhao Liu / 중국 화가의 극세밀화

오렌지 향기 2010. 10. 23. 18:54
Pink Peonies in Vase, 2008
oil on linen
28 X 34 inches


 Still Life With Rhododendron, 2006
oil on linen
22 X 14 inches






 Still Life With Carnations, 2006
oil on canvas
19 X 12 inches






 Cherry Blossoms, 2006
oil on linen
31 X 21 3/4 inches






Sea And Woman, 2007
oil on canvas
28 X 22 inches







 Green Jade, 2007
oil on linen
47 1/4 X 43 1/4 inches






 Blossom, 2007
oil on linen
39 1/4 X 31 inches






Strawberry Pitcher And Strawberries, 2008
oil on linen
20 X 24 inches







Raspberries And Conch, 2008
oil on linen
34 X 44 inches







 Rasberries in a Glass, 2008
oil on linen
22 X 28 inches







 Peaches and Strawberries, 2007
oil on linen
18 X 28 inches






 Grapes, 2006
oil on canvas
20 X 26 inches







 Lobsters on the Plate, 2010
oil on canvas
30 X 30 inches






 Lobster II, 2008
oil on linen
24 X 36 inches






Yingzhao Liu was born in 1956 in China. He received a B.A. in Oil Painting from the Harbin Normal University and a M.F.A at the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, China.  Liu has taught Mastery of Oil Painting at the Tianjina Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy of Art Design.

Mr. Liu was first introduced to America in 1995 by participating in a delegation of young Chinese oil painters.  He toured major U.S. cities with the group which held exhibitions in each of the seven cities visited.  He has won several awards and honors, including those at the International Fair of Asian Arts, the Biannual Oil Painting show in Guangzhao and at the 50th Anniversary of the Publication of Art Symposium in Yanani.  He has also published books on the subject of realism and still life painting.

Exhibitions of Lui’s work have been held in America, Taiwan, Indonesia, Macco, Japan, England and Malaysia.  Mr. Liu has had numerous paintings auctioned by both Christie's of Hong Kong, as well as in the Taiwan, and also at Butterfields of San Francisco. His work has been featured in publications such China Oil Paintings, American Art Collector, Art, Art Observer and Northern Art.  Currently, Liu has moved from his native China to the United States, now residing outside of Boston.



1956 년 중국에서 태어난 리우 양자오는 하얼빈 대학에서 유화를 전공했다.

리우는 티엔지나 예술대학에서 유화를 가르쳤다.

1995년에 중국의 젊은 유화작가로 미국에 소개된 그는

전시회를 위해서 미국의 몇 개 도시를 여행하게 된다.

아시아 미술계에서 몇 개의 수상경력이 있고

리얼리즘과 정물화에 대한 책도 발간했다.

그의 그림들은 미국, 대만, 인도네시아, 일본, 영국, 말레이시아

등에 전시되었고 홍콩과 대만 샌프란시스코에서 많이 알려졌다.

현재 그는 보스턴 근교로 이주하여 살고있다.