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Heike Negenborn 하늘만 그리는 화가 본문

책상서랍 속 앨범/그림

Heike Negenborn 하늘만 그리는 화가

오렌지 향기 2020. 5. 26. 16:35






















































Heike Negenborn

Windesheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany



About Heike Negenborn

Heike Negenborn, born in 1964 in Germany studies Fine Arts in Washington College,MD., USA and receives a Bachelor of Art's from Austin College, TX. USA in 1988. In 2001 she receives a diploma in Printmaking from the Academy of Arts, Mainz, Germany. She has won many art awards, the latest are. 2013 Albert-Haueisen-Art Award 2013, category painting, Jockgrim, Germany Artist’s portrait on German TV, « Hessischer Rundfunk ∙ Alle Wetter » 2014 Andreas-Art-Award, category painting: «Nature / Man», Harz National Park, Germany 2015 Art Award Eisenturm Mainz 2015, category painting, Mainz, Germany 2017 Artiste-in-residence, Association les vendémiaires, Résidence d’Emma, Saint-Mathieu-de-Tréviers, France WIilhelm-Morgner-Award 2016, category painting, Museum Wilhelm Morgner, Soest, Germany Honorable Mention, 10th International biennial of contemporary printmaking in Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada She shows her large corpse of images in Canada (Trois-Riviéres), France (Paris), Germany, Jugoslavia, Spain (Madrid), Switzerland, Japan, in the U.K. (London) and in the U.S. since 1987. In her paintings she visualizes the structure of landscape and sky and profits from a 30 years experience exclusively concentrating on the pictorial treatment of landscape in the South of France (Languedoc-Roussillion) and in Germany. She lives and works in Windesheim (Germany) and the South of France). Less


1983- 1985 Studies of Fine Arts at Washington College, MD., USA, 185-1994 Studies of Fine Arts at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University, Mainz (Germany), 1988 Bachelor of Arts, Austin college, TX., USA, Read More



Scholarship from Austin College, Sherman, Texas, USA
Scholarship from the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
Art Award, category printmaking, Mainz, Read More


Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, Germany
Galerie unterm Maulbeerbaum, Badenheim, D
Künstlerbahnhof Ebernburg, e.V., Bad Kreuznach, Stadteil Bad Münster am Stein, D Read More