From Now On...

[스크랩] Hua Chen 본문

책상서랍 속 앨범/그림

[스크랩] Hua Chen

오렌지 향기 2006. 5. 27. 22:22


 Contemplation/oil on canvas/36"hx18"w






Quiet Moment/oil on canvas/36"hx18"w








Flora /oil on canvas/25"hx21"w







Evelyn / oil on canvas/70"hx22"w








Blanche / oil on canvas/25"hx21"w









Reading / oil on canvas/48"hx38"w








Summer / oil on canvas/62"hx42"w










Spring Sunlight /oil on canvas/58"hx31"w









After Bath II / oil on canvas/44"hx30"w











In the Park / 72"hx54"w










Sunlight II / 54"hx29"w









Delightful Summer /oil on canvas/54"hx60"w











Loverly Memory / Embellished giclee on canvas/26"hx32"w












Tender Moments / Embellished giclee on canvas/32"hx24"w












Steps in the Yard /Embellished giclee on canvas/40"hx30"w










Leisure Time /Embellished giclee on canvas/36"hx27"w










Girl in a Red Dress /Embellished giclee on canvas/36"hx48"w











After the Bath / Giclee on canvas/40"hx26"w











Pleasant Reading / Embellished giclee on canvas/27"hx38"w









On the Lake / Embellished giclee on canvas/29"hx38"w











Spring / Embellished giclee on canvas/36"hx40"w











Splended Light / Embellished giclee on canvas/ 24"hx32"w










Waiting / Embellished giclee on canvas/27"hx36"w



1952년 상하이에서 출생.

1973-1976 안후이 사범대 미대에서 수학

그후 베이징 중앙학원에서 스케칭, 수채화, 유화로 석사자격 취득

1990년대말 미국에 머무르면서 주목 받기 시작

일본, 하와이, 중국, 미국등지에 전시되며 왕성히 활동 







출처 : 꽃구름 비향기
글쓴이 : 모련공주 원글보기
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